Android Application Programming with OpenCV 3: Build Android apps to capture, manipulate, and track objects in 2D and 3D
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The LaTeX companion, bibliography only
Advances in Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques, Volume 54 (Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry) (Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry)
Latecomer State Formation
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Kyōgoku Tamekane: Poetry and Politics in Late Kamakura Japan
LaTeX: Beginners Guide: Create high-quality and professional-looking texts, articles, and books for business and science using LaTeX
Rock Blasting Terms and Symbols: A Dictionary of Symbols and Terms in Rock Blasting and Related Areas like Drilling, Mining and Rock Mechanics
LaTeX - Fortgeschrittene Anwendungen
LaTeX maths and graphics
Learning LaTex by Doing
汉语5000词用法词典 - A Dictionary of Chinese Usage 5000 Words: Covering the entire vocabulary of the latest HSK syllabus
Function spaces, interpolation theory, and related topics: proceedings of the international conference in honour of Jaak Peetre on his 65th birthday: Lund, Sweden, August 17-22, 2000
Introduction to TeX-LaTeX
欧洲文学与拉丁中世纪 Europäische Literatur und Lateinisches Mittelalter