Pragmatic Flutter: Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps for Android, iOS, Web & Desktop
Programming WebAssembly with Rust: Unified Development for Web, Mobile, and Embedded Applications
Programming Kotlin Applications: Building Mobile and Server-Side Applications With Kotlin
Flutter Recipes: Mobile Development Solutions for iOS and Android
Kotlin Programming Cookbook: Explore more than 100 recipes that show how to build robust mobile and web applications with Kotlin, Spring Boot, and Android
Marketing mobile : Stratégies de m-marketing pour conquérir et fidéliser vos clients
Full Stack Development with MongoDB. Covers Backend, Frontend, APIs, and Mobile App Development Using PHP, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Python and React Native
Xamarin with Visual Studio. Launch your mobile development career by creating Android and iOS applications using .NET and C#
Xamarin Mobile Application Development for Android
Developing Mobile Web ArcGIS Applications: Learn to build your own engaging and immersive geographic applications with ArcGIS
Programming Kotlin Applications: Building Mobile and Server-Side Applications with Kotlin
Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare: 10th EAI International Conference, MobiHealth 2021, Virtual Event, November 13–14, 2021, Proceedings