DevOps Automation Cookbook: Over 120 recipes covering key automation techniques through code management and virtualization offered by modern Infrastructure as a Service
Conjunctions and Interjections in Modern Standard Arabic
Introduction à la physique moderne : relativité et physique quantique : cours et exercices
TypeScript Modern JavaScript Development
Modern Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs and Idioms in the Language of Business
The Eleven Pictures of Time (Sage Masters in Modern Social Thought)
Sentential negative markers as pro-forms of negative sentences in modern Mongolian
Modern aerodynamic flutter analysis
The Philanderer Gambler and Duelist Who Invented Modern Finance
计量经济学导论:现代观点 (第六版) Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach (Sixth Edition)
Salo or The Hundred and Twenty Days of Sodom (Bfi Modern Classics)
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics using Stata
The Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature (The New Cambridge History of English Literature)
黑錢的真相:貪汙不只是掏空國庫,更吞噬了你我生活所需的一切! (Global Corruption: Money, Power and Ethics in the Modern World)
DevOps for Digital Leaders Reignite Business with a Modern DevOps-Enabled Software Factory
Reflections of a Veteran Pessimist: Contemplating Modern Europe, Russia, and Jewish History