Deep Inelastic Scattering: Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan, 20 - 24 April 2006
Semantic Web Services and Web Process Composition: First International Workshop, SWSWPC 2004, San Diego, CA, USA, July 6, 2004, Revised Selected Papers ... Applications, incl. Internet Web, and HCI)
Semantic Web Services and Web Process Composition: First International Workshop, SWSWPC 2004, San Diego, CA, USA, July 6, 2004, Revised Selected Papers ... Applications, incl. Internet Web, and HCI)
Informing an Effective Response to Climate Change (National Research Council)
Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry Coursebook with Digital Access (2 Years)-Cambridge University Press (2020)
Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics: First International Conference, CSBio 2010, Bangkok, Thailand, November 3-5, 2010, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics: First International Conference, CSBio 2010, Bangkok, Thailand, November 3-5, 2010, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Growing Vulnerability of the Public Switched Networks: Implications for National Security Emergency Preparedness
Growing Vulnerability of the Public Switched Networks: Implications for National Security Emergency Preparedness
Lieu, espace, mouvement: Physique, Métaphysique et Cosmologie (xiie-xvie siècles): Actes du colloque international Université de Fribourg (Suisse), 12-14 mars 2015
Lieu, espace, mouvement: Physique, Métaphysique et Cosmologie (xiie-xvie siècles): Actes du colloque international Université de Fribourg (Suisse), 12-14 mars 2015
Copper Workers, International Business, and Domestic Politics in Cold War Chile
Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication: Third International Conference, AVBPA 2001 Halmstad, Sweden, June 6–8, 2001 Proceedings
Computer Network Security: 5th International Conference, on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-ACNS 2010, ... Networks and Telecommunications)
Computer Network Security: 5th International Conference, on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-ACNS 2010, ... Networks and Telecommunications)