Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 8th International Conference, Kes 2004, Wellington, New Zealand, September 20-25, 2004, Proceedings, Part I
Information Security Applications: 7th International Workshop, WISA 2006, Jeju Island, Korea, August 28-30, 2006, Revised Selected Papers
Microanalysis of Political Communication: Claptrap and Ambiguity (International Series in Socialpsychology)
International Technical and Programmatic Guidance on Out-of-School Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)
Notice to IELTS Candidates. Ielts english for international opportunity
Web-based Learning: Technology And Pedagogy - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference
Fast Software Encryption: 10th International Workshop, FSE 2003, Lund, Sweden, February 24-26, 2003. Revised Papers
Computer Network Security: Second International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-ACNS 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 21-23, 2003. Proceedings
3rd International Symposium on High Temperature Metallurgical Processing
國立故宮博物院清代文獻檔案總目 (Catalog of Archive and Documents during Qing Dynasty in National Palace Museum)
Verilog Quickstart: A Practical Guide to Simulation and Synthesis in Verilog, 2nd Edition (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
Informing an Effective Response to Climate Change (National Research Council)
Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication: Third International Conference, AVBPA 2001 Halmstad, Sweden, June 6–8, 2001 Proceedings
Committee On Hiv Screening And Access To Care Institute Of Medicine Hiv Screening And Access To Care Exploring Barriers And Facilitators To Expanded Hiv Testing National Academies Press 2010
Nature - International Weekly Journal of Science
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management: 16th IFIP TC8 International Conference, CISIM 2017, Bialystok, Poland, June 16-18, 2017, Proceedings
Characterisation of Porous Solids VIII: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on the Characterisation of Porous Solids (Special Publication)
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE: OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2004, Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 25-29, 2004. Proceedings, Part I