What Things Do: Philosophical Reflections On Technology, Agency, And Design
L’influence de l’odeur des croissants chauds sur la bonté humaine: et autres questions de philosophie morale expérimentale
Characterisation of Porous Solids V, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the Characterisation of Porous Solids (COPS-V)
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The Rosie Project
Peoples of the Apocalypse - Eschatological Beliefs and Political Scenarios
¿Y si quedamos como amigos?
Connections Aging, Crossfit, Community, and Quality of Life
Mental Floss: The Curious Reader: | Facts About Famous Authors and Novels | Book Lovers and Literary Interest
Digital negatives : using Photoshop to create digital negatives for silver and alternative process printing
Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python, 2nd Edition: An effective guide to geographic information systems and remote sensing analysis using Python 3
《音视频开发进阶指南:基于Android与iOS平台的实践》展晓凯 / 魏晓红文字版
Evidence for the Continuous Creation of the Common Elements Out of Positive and Negative Electrons
Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Selected Airborne Chemicals, Volume 7
《单身时代》玫瑰(Roseann Lake)