《航海王ONE PIECE(第7部:卷49~卷56)》尾田荣一郎增订版
Sapiens Uma Breve História da Humanidade
《航海王ONE PIECE(第2部:卷9~卷16) 》尾田荣一郎插图版
Papiers DEtat, Pieces Et Documents Inedits Ou Peu Connus Relatifs a LHistoire De LEcosse Au Xvie Siecle, Volume III: 1563-1587
文化与权力: 布尔迪厄的社会学 - Culture and Power: The Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu
Cierpienie, śmierć, dalsze życie: pisma wybrane
Sapiens: Lược Sử Loài Người
Burial Textiles: Textile Bits and Pieces in Central Sweden, AD 500-800
Der Spiegel Nr. 36 vom 05.09.2011
Słownik terminologiczny sztuk pięknych
Belief Functions: Theory and Applications: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Belief Functions, Compiègne, France 9-11 May 2012
《航海王ONE PIECE(第10部:卷73~卷80)》尾田荣一郎经典版
Happier, No Matter What
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind