Java(TM) Development on PDAs: Building Applications for Pocket PC and Palm Devices
Computer Human Interaction: 6th Asia Pacific Conference, APCHI 2004, Rotorua, New Zealand, June 29-July 2, 2004. Proceedings
Xilinx FPGA数字信号处理权威指南——从HDL到模型和C的描述(仅适用PC阅读)
Climate Change 2007 - Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Working Group II contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC
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IBM-PC 汇编语言程序设计: PC 汇编语言程序设计
Altium Designer 17原理图与PCB设计教程
Semantic Web Services and Web Process Composition: First International Workshop, SWSWPC 2004, San Diego, CA, USA, July 6, 2004, Revised Selected Papers ... Applications, incl. Internet Web, and HCI)
PCB设计入门 - 中文资料 - The Altium Wiki
Climate Change 2007 - The Physical Science Basis: Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC