Explosion and Blast-Related Injuries: Effects of Explosion and Blast from Military Operations and Acts of Terrorism
Chinese Intelligence Operations
Game Developers Market Guide
The Book on Rental Property Investing: How to Create Wealth and Passive Income Through Intelligent Buy & Hold Real Estate Investing
Protecting Persons While Protecting the People: Second Annual Workshop on Information Privacy and National Security, ISIPS 2008, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, May 12, 2008. Revised Selected Papers
大喜乐与大圆满 庆祝谈锡永先生八十华诞汉藏佛学研究论集=Supreme Bliss and Great Perfection Studies in Sino-Tibetan Buddhism in Honor of Master Tam Shek-wings 80th Birthday
Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication: Third International Conference, AVBPA 2001 Halmstad, Sweden, June 6–8, 2001 Proceedings
秦始皇帝陵: Mausoleum of emperor Qin Shihuang
Schizophrenia, Culture, and Subjectivity: The Edge of Experience
Quatre-Vingt-Huit Tâches de Perfectionnement en Milieu de Travail
Me, Myself, and Them: A Firsthand Account of One Young Persons Experience with Schizophrenia (Adolescent Mental Health Initiative)