Political Theory, Third Edition
Political communication in Britain: campaigning, media and polling in the 2017 General Election
Political Change in Post-Communist Slovakia and Croatia: From Nationalist to Europeanist
The Platonic Political Art: A Study of Critical Reason and Democracy
The Keynesian Multiplier (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)
Fortune in my eyes : a memoir of Broadway glamour, social justice, and political passion
Women’s Activism in Twentieth-Century Britain: Making a Difference Across the Political Spectrum
Adorno and Marx: Negative Dialectics and the Critique of Political Economy
Precolonial Black Africa: a Comparative Study of Political and Social Systems of Europe and Black Africa, from Antiquity to Formation of Modern States
Everyday Economic Practices: The Hidden Transcripts of Egyptian Voices (New Political Economy)
The Fourth Political Theory
Precolonial Black Africa: A Comparative Study of the Political and Social Systems of Europe and Black Africa
The Political Economy of Javas Northeast Coast, c. 1740-1800 (TANAP Monographs on the History of Asian-European Interaction)
English Political Writings 1711-1714: The Conduct of the Allies and Other Works (The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jonathan Swift)
Political Hermeneutics: The Early Thinking of Hans-Georg Gadamer
Microanalysis of Political Communication: Claptrap and Ambiguity (International Series in Socialpsychology)
Prophets Of Violence - Prophets Of Peace: Understanding the Roots of Contemporary Political Violence
Initiative to Stop the Violence: Sadat’s Assassins and the Renunciation of Political Violence