Navigation Signal Processing for GNSS Software Receivers (Gnss Technology and Applications)
Python Automation Cookbook: 75 Python automation ideas for web scraping, data wrangling, and processing Excel, reports, emails, and more, 2nd Edition
Navigation Signal Processing for GNSS Software Receivers
3D Images of Materials Structures: Processing and Analysis
Semantic Interpretation and the Resolution of Ambiguity (Studies in Natural Language Processing)
Python for Graph and Network Analysis (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
OpenCV By Example: Enhance Your Understanding of Computer Vision and Image Processing by Developing Real-World Projects in OpenCV 3
Research and Development on a Salt Processing Alternative for High-Level Waste at the Savannah River Site
Artificial Intelligence and Economic Theory: Skynet in the Market (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
Membrane Technology: A Practical Guide to Membrane Technology and Applications in Food and Bioprocessing (Butterworth-Heinemann IChemE)
4th International Symposium on High Temperature Metallurgical Processing
Digital signal processing using the ARM Cortex-M4
ESA TM-231: GNSS Data Processing Vol. I: Contents
Natural Language Processing with PyTorch
Programming ArcGIS 10.1 with Python Cookbook: Over 75 recipes to help you automate geoprocessing tasks, create solutions, and solve problems for ArcGIS with Python