The Structure of the Proton: Deep Inelastic Scattering
Coherent inelastic neutron scattering in lattice dynamics
Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves
Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves
Neutron inelastic-scattering cross sections of ²³²Th, ²³³U, ²³⁵U, ²³⁸U, ²³⁹Pu and ²⁴°Pu. [LMFBR]
Electron Dynamics by Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (Oxford Series on Synchrotron Radiation)
Electron dynamics by inelastic X-ray scattering
Deep Inelastic Scattering: Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan, 20 - 24 April 2006
Deep Inelastic Scattering [Procs of 14th Intl Wkshp 2006]
Inelastic Light Scattering of Semiconductor Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Recent Advances