Embedded System Design with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers: Applications with C, C++ and MicroPython
LaTeX maths and graphics
Text Analysis for the Social Sciences: Methods for Drawing Statistical Inferences From Texts and Transcripts (Routledge Communication Series)
ARM Cortex M4 Cookbook
ARM Cortex-M3系统设计与实现.STM32基础篇(第2版)
Digital Signal Processing Using the ARM Cortex M4
Learning LaTeX by Doing
LaTeX - руководство
Cantilènes en gelée: précédé de Barnums Digest ; et suivi de Vingt poèmes inédits. Je voudrais pas crever ; suivi de Lettres au collège de Pataphysique et textes sur la littérature
Learning LaTex by Doing
Advanced LaTeX
Introductory LaTeX
Hittite votive texts
Reconciliation in Global Context: Why It Is Needed and How It Works
Old Assyrian bibliography of cuneiform texts, bullae, seals and the results of the excavations at Assur, Kültepe Kanish, Acemhöyük, Ali̇şar and Boǧazköy