Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis: 8th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web, WebKDD 2006 Philadelphia, USA, August 20,
The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks
Semantic Web Services and Web Process Composition: First International Workshop, SWSWPC 2004, San Diego, CA, USA, July 6, 2004, Revised Selected Papers ... Applications, incl. Internet Web, and HCI)
Outdoor power equipment: how it works, how to fix it
Networking Routing Flow and Capacity Design in Communication and Computer Networks
Religion: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It Matters
Comprehension That Works: Taking Students Beyond Ordinary Understanding to Deep Comprehension Grades K-6
Brain The Complete Mind How It Develops, How It Works, and How to Keep It Sharp Hardcover
Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Deep Learning explained to your granny
Secure Data Management: 5th VLDB Workshop, SDM 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, August 24, 2008. Proceedings
Hebbian Learning and Negative Feedback Networks
Computer Network Security: Second International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-ACNS 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 21-23, 2003. Proceedings
Google SketchUp Workshop. Modeling, Visualizing, and Illustrating