The Player in New Zealand: A Grumpy Boss Romantic Comedy (Love and Wanderlust Book 4)
Robot Vision: Second International Workshop, RobVis 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, February 18-20, 2008. Proceedings
Computer Human Interaction: 6th Asia Pacific Conference, APCHI 2004, Rotorua, New Zealand, June 29-July 2, 2004. Proceedings
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 8th International Conference, Kes 2004, Wellington, New Zealand, September 20-25, 2004, Proceedings, Part I
New Zealand Cardiovascular Guidelines Handbook: Developed for Primary Care Practitioners
Art New Zealand - Spring 2017
Visualizing the Size of the Java Standard API [from: Proceedings of the New Zealand Computer Science Research Students Conference (NZCSRSC), Wellington, New Zealand, 2010]
Catalogue of the General Assembly Library of New Zealand 1897
Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2008 Workshops: WISE 2008 International Workshops, Auckland, New Zealand, September 1-4, 2008. Proceedings
Mako Bay: A New Zealand friends to lovers romance. (Otago Waters Book 1)
Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2008 Workshops: WISE 2008 International Workshops, Auckland, New Zealand, September 1-4, 2008, Proceedings (Lecture ... Applications, incl. Internet-Web, and HCI)
Secure Data Management: 5th VLDB Workshop, SDM 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, August 24, 2008. Proceedings
Just One Look (Escape to New Zealand Book 14)
New Zealand Cardiovascular Guidelines Handbook: A Summary Resource for Primary Care Practitioners, 2nd Edition
Ruby Island: A New Zealand opposites attract romance. (Otago Waters Book 2)
Lake Taimana: A New Zealand second chance romance. (Otago Waters Book 3)
Art New Zealand - Spring 2018
McDonnell-Douglas A-4A-L Skyhawk in USN-US Marine Corps-Royal Australian Navy & Royal New Zealand Air Force Service (Aircam Aviation 27)