Large-Scale Data Analytics - Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis and Abderrahim Labbi
Advanced Analytics with PySpark - Akash Tandon, Sandy Ryza, Uri Laserson, Sean Owen, and Josh Wills
《流量的秘密 Google Analytics网站分析与商业实战》布莱恩·克里夫顿 (Brian Clifton) 文字版
Analysis, Fate and Removal of Pharmaceuticals in the Water Cycle, Volume 50 (Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry) (Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry)
Graph-Powered Analytics and Machine Learning with TigerGraph - Victor Lee, Phuc Kien Nguyen, and Alexander Thomas
Advances in Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques, Volume 54 (Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry) (Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry)
精通Web Analytics 2.0
Advancing into Analytics - George Mount
Predictive Analytics using Rattle and Qlik Sense
Advanced Analytics with Spark 2nd Edition - Sandy Ryza, Uri Laserson, Sean Owen, and Josh Wills
Lean Analytics - Alistair Croll and Benjamin Yoskovitz
《流量的秘密:Google Analytics网站分析与商业实战》布莱恩·克里夫顿
Analytics Engineering with SQL and dbt - Rui Machado and Hélder Russa
Advancing into Analytics: From Excel to Python and R
Mastering Azure Analytics - Zoiner Tejada
Multiplier ideal sheaves and analytic methods in algebraic geometry
Comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography, Volume 55 (Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry)
Analytical Mechanics