Oracle Database 10g XML & SQL: Design, Build, & Manage XML Applications in Java, C, C++, & PL-SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
Les saints et leur culte en Europe centrale au Moyen Âge: (xie-début du xvie siècle)
《Tianlesoftware Oracle》 学习 手册
Oracle PL/SQL从入门到精通
L’art chevaleresque du combat: le maniement des armes à travers les livres de combat (XIVe-XVIe siècles)
《飞行中的科学》布莱恩•克雷格(Brian Clegg)
Oracle PL/SQL必知必会
50 奇幻卡通创作技法, 交通工具设定篇 (50 Fantasy Vehicles to Draw & Paint)
End Points for Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste in Russia and the United States
La prière en latin de l’Antiquité au XVIe siècle : formes, évolutions, significations
Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming
LaTeX: Beginners Guide: Create high-quality and professional-looking texts, articles, and books for business and science using LaTeX
流畅的Python = Fluent Python: clear, concise, and effective programming
Oracle Database and PowerShell How-to: Utilize the power of Microsofts powerful scripting engine to automate database tasks with Oracle from PowerShell
l’afrique barbaresque dans la litterature francaise aux xvie et xviie siecles
Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, and Design, Second Edition (Power Electronics and Applications Series)