Effective Rotator Cuff Exercises - The Fitness Professionals Guide to Rotator Cuff Exercises
Radiation Effects – From Particles to Payloads
Optimizing Visual Studio Code for Python Development: Developing More Efficient and Effective Programs in Python
Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python, 2nd Edition: An effective guide to geographic information systems and remote sensing analysis using Python 3
HTML5 Boilerplate Web Development: Master HTML5 Boilerplate web development with a robust set of templates to get your web projects done quickly and effectively
Safety of Genetically Engineered Foods: Approaches to Assessing Unintended Health Effects
DIGITAL MULTIMETER FOR BEGINNERS: A detailed guide to learn all the functions on the Digital multimeter and use it effectively
After Effects CC 2018 高手成长之路
Funding effectiveness: lessons in building nonprofit capacity
Review of the Need for a Large-Scale Test Facility for Research on the Effects of Extreme Winds on Structures (Compass Series)
EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The Nine-Keys Guidebook for Developing the Art of Persuasion through Public Speaking, Social Intelligence, Verbal Dexterity, Charisma, and Eloquence
Effective TypeScript: 62 Specific Ways to Improve Your TypeScript
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Oil in the Sea III: Inputs, Fates, and Effects (No. 3)
Python Testing with pytest: Simple, Rapid, Effective, and Scalable, 2nd Edition
Python testing with Pytest: simple, rapid, effective, and scalable
On Evaluating Curricular Effectiveness: Judging the Quality of K-12 Mathematics Evaluations
The Foundations of Threat Hunting: Organize and design effective cyber threat hunts to meet business needs