About Face 4: 交互设计精髓
The Verilog PLI Handbook: A Users Guide and Comprehensive Reference on the Verilog Programming Language Interface
Enzymology at the Membrane Interface: Interfacial Enzymology and Protein-Membrane Binding
About Face 3 交互设计精髓
Angular for Material Design: Leverage Angular Material and TypeScript to Build a Rich User Interface for Web Apps
Hardware/Firmware Interface Design
《疯长:Facebook如何击败对手,指数时代的增长逻辑》肖恩· 阿美拉蒂中文版
The Facebook Effect
Rotary Drilling and Blasting in Large Surface Mines
《About Face 4: 交互设计精髓》[美] 艾伦·库伯 / [美] 罗伯特·莱曼 / [美] 戴维·克罗宁 / [美] 克里斯托弗·诺埃塞尔
The LaTeX companion: front matter, TOC, preface only
Arduino Uno Programming: Arduino Oscilloscoperev 3 Board Interface: Pc Based Oscilloscope Using Arduino
性命圭旨 : 四卷 Xing ming gui zhi : si juan (4 Volumes incl Preface)
后真相时代(真相与谣言齐飞,当真相被操纵利用,你当如何分辨?《牛津大辞典》年度热点,Facebook COO桑德伯格、梁文道力荐!)
Cohesion, Internal Pressure, Adhesion, Tensile Strength, Tensile Energy, Negative Surface Energy, an