Whether a Christian Woman Should Be Educated and Other Writings from Her Intellectual Circle
Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. including sketches of George Rogers Clark, Simon Kenton, William Henry Harrison, Cornstalk, Blackhoof, Bluejacket, the Shawnee Logan, and others famous in the frontier wars of Tecumseh̕s time
生活中的逻辑学(第 12 版) Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric: The Use of Reason
La prophétie des ténèbres 1 - Séduction mortelle
《给仰望者的天文朝圣之旅》切特·雷莫(Chet Raymo)
Prophetic Writings of Lady Eleanor Davies
后现代性的预言家:齐格蒙特·鲍曼传 = Zygmunt Bauman: Prophet of Postmodernity
Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva
Five Chapters on Rhetoric: Character, Action, Things, Nothing, and Art
Gao Xingjian: Aesthetics and Creation
ITI Treatment Guide, Volume 6: Extended Edentulous Spaces in the Esthetic Zone - Daniel Wismeijer, Stephen Chen, Daniel Buser, Julia-Gabriela Wittneben, Hans Peter Weber - (2012) 276 pp., ISBN: 9783868671414
Gewalt und Ästhetik: Zur Gewalt und ihrer Darstellung in der griechischen Klassik
Biosynthetic Polymers for Medical Applications
《给仰望者的天文朝圣之旅》切特·雷莫(Chet Raymo)
反动的修辞: 保守主义的三个命题 (The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy)