Beginning PHP and MySQL 5: From Novice to Professional, 2nd Edition - W. Jason Gilmore
《高性能MySQL》施瓦茨 (Baron Schwartz) / 扎伊采夫 (Peter Zaitsev) / 特卡琴科 (Vadim Tkachenko)
MySQL 8 for Big Data: Effective data processing with MySQL 8, Hadoop, NoSQL APIs, and other Big Data tools
High Performance MySQL 4th Edition - Silvia Botros and Jeremy Tinley Foreword by Jeremy Cole
Head First PHP & MySQL - Lynn Beighley and Michael Morrison
MySQL/PHP Database Applications - Jay Greenspan and Brad Bulger
PHP and MySQL The Missing Manual 2nd Edition - Brett McLaughlin
MySQL是怎样运行的 从根儿上理解MySQL
Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional 2nd Edition - Cristian Darie and Emilian Balanescu