Beginning Google Web Toolkit: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)
Visualizing the Size of the Java Standard API [from: Proceedings of the New Zealand Computer Science Research Students Conference (NZCSRSC), Wellington, New Zealand, 2010]
Android-Apps programmieren – Professionelle App-Entwicklung mit Android Studio 4
Hands-on Go Programming: Learn Google’s Golang Programming, Data Structures, Error Handling and Concurrency ( English Edition)
Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing: 4th International Conference, Rsctc 2004, Uppsala, Sweden, June 1-5, 2004, Proceedings
金属材料力学性能 The 12th Five-Year Plan regular higher education teaching materials: metal mechanical properties(Chinese Edition)
Android Application Programming with OpenCV 3: Build Android apps to capture, manipulate, and track objects in 2D and 3D
Characterisation of Porous Solids V, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the Characterisation of Porous Solids (COPS-V)
MS325 - C - Random Processes and Simulations
The Ethics of Genetics in Human Procreation
Prior Information and Ambiguity in Inverse Problems
A Dissertation on the Prophecy Contained in Daniel IX, 24-27
Engineering textiles : integrating the design and manufacture of textile products
WEB3: What Is Web3? Potential of Web 3.0 (Token Economy, Smart Contracts, DApps, NFTs, Blockchains, GameFi, DeFi, Decentralized Web, Binance, Metaverse Projects, Web3.0 Metaverse Crypto guide, Axie)