Troubleshooting BGP: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Troubleshooting BGP
Conceptual Modeling for New Information Systems Technologies: ER 2001 Workshops HUMACS, DASWIS, ECOMO, and DAMA Yokohama, Japan, November 27–30, 2001 Revised Papers
Adobe Photoshop 新手快速进阶实例教学
Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies
《Photoshop平面图像处理实例教程》钱伟、左力 等修订版
Rhinoceros Grasshopper 参数化建模
DevOps Troubleshooting Linux Server Best Practices
From Web to Social Web: Discovering and Deploying User and Content Profiles: Workshop on Web Mining, WebMine 2006, Berlin, Germany, September 18, 2006. Revised Selected and Invited Papers
連続写真で究める少林寺拳法. 剛法編 -Renzoku shashin de kiwameru shōrinji kenpō. gōhō
选择的艺术 Photoshop CS图像处理深度剖析
中文版Photoshop CS6图像处理
Robot Vision: Second International Workshop, RobVis 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, February 18-20, 2008. Proceedings
Computer Network Security: Second International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-ACNS 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 21-23, 2003. Proceedings
《Photoshop Lightroom摄影师专业技法》Soctt kelby扫描版
Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers Using Photoshop