Imagining the Darwinian Revolution from the Nineteenth Century to the Present
The World in Eleven Dimensions: Supergravity, supermembranes and M-theory (Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation)
布尔迪厄《实践理论大纲》- Outline of a Theory of Practice
The science of sleep: what it is, how it works, and why it matters
Physique et outils mathematiques : Methodes et exemples
The Economist December 10th, 2011 volume 401 issue 8763
The Cashless Revolution
Salvation of the Soul
Build Your Resilience: CBT, mindfulness and stress management to survive and thrive in any situation: How to Survive and Thrive in Any Situation (Teach Yourself)
Midwifery Emergencies at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare)) Susan M. Carr, Denise Campbell
Landscape History and Rural Society in Southern England: An Economic and Environmental Perspective
A complete retrograde glossary of the Hittite language
Iconography Beyond the Crossroads: Image, Meaning, and Method in Medieval Art
English Success Academy The Advanced Speaking Guide for Scores of 26+ at TOEFL iBT Version 2