Kotlin Apprentice (Second Edition): Beginning Programming with Kotlin

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Learn how to program with Kotlin!Kotlin is the exciting modern language from JetBrains, creators of IntelliJ IDEA, the basis of many popular IDEs such as Android Studio and PyCharm. Since the adoption of Kotlin by Google as an official language for Android, the momentum behind Kotlin has gone off the charts.Kotlin supports many platforms, including Android, the web, the back-end, and even iOS. By reading this book, you`ll be ready to use Kotlin on any and all of these platforms.Who This Book Is ForThis book is for complete beginners to Kotlin. No prior programming experience is necessary!Topics Covered in Kotlin ApprenticeKotlin Development Environment: See how to setup a development environment for Kotlin using IntelliJ IDEA.Numbers and Strings: These are the basic kinds of data in any app-learn how to use them in Kotlin.Making Decisions: Your code doesn`t always run straight through-learn how to use conditions and loops to control program flow.Functions and Lambdas: Group your code together into reusable chunks to run and pass around.Collection Types: Discover the many ways Kotlin offers to store and organize data into collections.Building Your Own Types: Learn how to model elements in your app using classes, objects, interfaces, and enumerations.Functional Programming: Learn how to use Kotlin in a functional style and how this can make your code clearer and more efficient.Coroutines: Asynchronous programming can be a complex topic on any platform, but Kotlin gives you a clear and consise approach with coroutines.Kotlin Platforms and Scripting: Learn about how Kotlin can be used on multiple platforms and see its use as a scripting language.Kotlin/Native and Multiplatform: See how to use Kotlin/Native to bring your apps to more than one platform.One thing you can count on: after reading this book, you’ll be prepared to take advantage of Kotlin wherever you choose to use it!

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Kotlin Apprentice Second Edition Beginning Programming


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Kotlin Apprentice (Second Edition): Beginning Programming with Kotlin
