Simplifying Android Development with Coroutines and Flows: Learn how to use Kotlin coroutines and the flow API to handle data
Android Apprentice (Second Edition): Beginning Android Development with Kotlin
Programming Kotlin
Reactive Programming with Kotlin (First Edition): Learn Rx with RxJava, RxKotlin, and RXAndroid
Head First Kotlin
Android development with Kotlin: learn Android application development with the extensive features of Kotlin
Kotlin Development for Android
Mastering High Performance with Kotlin: Overcome performance difficulties in Kotlin with a range of exciting techniques and solutions
Kotlin for Android Developers: Learn Kotlin the easy way while developing an Android App
Kotlin Standard Library Cookbook: Master the powerful Kotlin standard library through practical code examples
Android Development with Kotlin
Kotlin for Android developers: learn Kotlin the easy way while developing an Android App
Learning Kotlin by building Android Applications: Explore the fundamentals of Kotlin by building real-world Android applications