Training with the Midas Touch: Developing Your Organizations Greatest Asset

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* Lively and provocative approach * Shows how developing people to their full potential is the route to organizational success * Includes case studies * Includes many low cost alternatives to expensive training. The idea of turning staff, the most vital element with any organization, into gold lies at the heart of all training and development programs. This thought provoking yet practical book provides a structured route to making the most of the `human capital` in an organization by taking an holistic approach to both staff development and organizational success. With case studies, a tool kit of techniques for assessing and developing the skill base of staff and advice on developing staff at low cost the book is ideal for the cost-conscious times we live in. While highly practical in tone and approach the book also provides a sound theoretical framework for staff development and includes a detailed academic reading list.

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Training Midas Touch Developing Your Organizations Greatest Asset


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Training with the Midas Touch: Developing Your Organizations Greatest Asset
