Filmmakers and Financing: Business Plans for Independents (American Film Market Presents), 9th Edition

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This updated ninth edition of Louise Levison`s ultimate filmmaker`s guide provides easy-to-follow steps for writing an investor-winning business plan for independent films. This new edition includes information on current distribution models and the evolving digital streaming service landscape. Updated examples and references solidify this edition as the go-to source for creating a successful film business plan. Complete with comprehensive explanations on how to write each of the eight sections of a business plan; a complete sample plan for reference; and a companion website with additional information and financial tables, this book gives readers the tools needed to secure financing for a film. Essential reading for students and professionals alike, this book is ideal for anyone looking to further their understanding of film financing and how to create a successful business plan.

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Filmmakers Financing Business Plans Independents American Film Market Presents 9th


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Filmmakers and Financing: Business Plans for Independents (American Film Market Presents), 9th Edition
