Flutter Apprentice: Learn to Build Cross-Platform Apps, 2nd Edition

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Build for both iOS and Android with Flutter! Flutter is a new and exciting software development toolkit that lets you target multiple platforms at once, so you can build apps for iOS, Android and even web and desktop, all from a single codebase. Similar to modern web technologies, Flutter uses a declarative approach to UI development. You can take advantage of “hot reload” of new code while developing, and your apps will perform at native speed thanks to Flutter’s custom rendering engine.It’s been the dream of mobile developers for years to find a cross-platform tool that lets you build for both iOS and Android without having to write and maintain two separate codebases. With Flutter and Flutter Apprentice, you can achieve that dream!

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Flutter Apprentice Learn Build Cross Platform Apps 2nd Edition


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Flutter Apprentice: Learn to Build Cross-Platform Apps, 2nd Edition
