Tony Soprano on Management: Leadership Lessons Inspired By Americas Favorite Mobst

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Changing economies. Employee loyalty. Power struggles. Deal making. Tony Soprano has to deal with management problems just like any CEO-and except for resorting to the occasional whacking (a definite no-no in corporate environments), he usually succeeds. Now readers can learn what makes him such a strong leader in this offbeat guide. Includes advice on: € Sit-downs, stand-ups, and other meetings € Behind the Bada Bing: managing people € Hey, break it up: conflict resolution € Deal Time: effective negotiation € Cigar Time: performance evaluation ...and more With case studies, worksheets, tips on "managing up" from Carmela and Silvio-and a special chapter on what Tony does wrong-this is a business book like none you`ve ever read. Readers can use it to gain new insight-and find street-smart ways to manage their own workplace family.

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Tony Soprano Management Leadership Lessons Inspired Americas Favorite Mobst


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Tony Soprano on Management: Leadership Lessons Inspired By Americas Favorite Mobst
