Who Shot JFK? (Pocket Essential series)

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After nearly 1,000 books, half a dozen journals, two official inquiries, several million pages of declassified documents, dozens of TV documentaries, and hundreds of websites, is there anything left to say about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? Hell, yes. The Kennedy assassination remains both the greatest whodunit of the post-World War II era and the best route into recent American history. Taking it as proved that Lee Harvey Oswald was indeed the patsy he claimed to be before he was murdered, this short book explores the major alternative theories produced by the critics of the official version, the major landmarks in the Kennedy assassination research, the disinformation produced on the subject since the event, and some startling recent work, which seems—finally—to lead to an answer to the question "Who killed JFK?"

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Who Shot JFK Pocket Essential series


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Who Shot JFK? (Pocket Essential series)
