Comprehensive membrane science and engineering. Volume 1: Basic Aspects Of Membrane Science And Engineering

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First edition. — Elsevier, 2010. — 368 p. — ISBN: 978-0-444-53204-6ContentsBasic Aspects of Membrane Science and EngineeringRole and Function of Biological and Artificial MembranesBiological Membranes and Biomimetic Artificial MembranesFunctionalized Membranes for Sorption, Separation, and Reaction: An OverviewFundamentals of Transport Phenomena in MembranesModeling and Simulation of Membrane Structure and Transport PropertiesFundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Polymer MembranesBasic Aspects of Polymeric and Inorganic Membrane PreparationBasic Aspects in Polymeric Membrane PreparationAdvanced Polymeric and Organic–Inorganic Membranes for Pressure-Driven ProcessesNorbornene Polymers as Materials for Membrane Gas SeparationAmorphous Perfluoropolymer MembranesPlasma Membranes Preparation of Membranes Using Supercritical FluidsBasic Aspects in Inorganic Membrane PreparationCeramic Hollow Fiber Membranes and Their ApplicationsPreparation of Carbon Membranes for Gas SeparationCarbon Nanotube Membranes: A New Frontier in Membrane Science Membrane CharacterizationCharacterization of Filtration MembranesThe Use of Atomic Force Microscopy in Membrane Characterization

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Comprehensive membrane science engineering Volume Basic Aspects Membrane Science Engineering


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Comprehensive membrane science and engineering. Volume 1: Basic Aspects Of Membrane Science And Engineering
