The Routledge Course in Arabic Business Translation; Arabic-English-Arabic

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The Routledge Course in Arabic Business Translation: Arabic-English-Arabic is an essential coursebook for university students wishing to develop their skills in translating different types of business texts between English and Arabic. Practical in its approach, the book introduces translation students to the concept of translation and equivalence in the context of business texts, business translators, and the linguistic and syntactic features of business texts. It also highlights translation tools and technology in addition to the translation strategies which can be adopted to render business texts between English and Arabic. Key features in the book include: Six comprehensive chapters covering (after the Introduction) the areas of economics, management, production, finance, and marketing in the translation industry; Detailed explanation of the lexical and syntactic features of business texts; Practical English and Arabic business translation texts featuring a vast business vocabulary bank; Authentic business texts extracted from English and Arabic books containing economic, management, production, finance, and marketing texts; Great range of English and Arabic translation exercises to enable students to practice their familiarity with business vocabulary they learned throughout the book; and Glossaries following all English and Arabic business texts containing the translation of main vocabulary items. The practicality of the approach adopted in this book makes it an essential business translation coursebook for translation students. In addition, the carefully designed content helps students to easily explore different types of business texts, familiarize themselves with key words, and complete translation exercises. University instructors working on English and Arabic business translations will find this book highly useful.

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Arabic Routledge Course Business Translation English


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The Routledge Course in Arabic Business Translation; Arabic-English-Arabic
